Welcome friends!

This is a forum to share tips, advice and ideas about nutrition, fitness and well-being. I also invite you to join me in my yoga practice at 24 Hour Fitness. It is an 1 hour vinyasa yoga class, also called "flow" yoga. The poses move fluidly, the breath linking each pose to the next. This practice will create strength, flexibilty, endurance and balance leading to a sense of wellness and mental awareness. I hope to see you there! The class schedule will be updated on the blog as it changes.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's the hardest thing about your yoga practice?

What's your hardest yoga pose? If you and your yoga friends were to compare notes, you'd likely come up with a wide variety of answers. But virtually all practitioners will tell you that a greater challenge lies in developing and maintaining a meditation practice. Many students decide to cut out out class altogether before final relaxation. But the final relaxation may be the most important part of the yoga practice for many students. Meditation is gaining attention as a potential way to maintain well-being and good health. It can calm your mind, relax your body, and soothe your spirit. In addition, it's inexpensive and its risks free.

If you have trouble with meditation/relaxation consider these suggestions from the Mayo Clinic to get you started :
  • Select a meditation technique that fits your lifestyle and belief system. Many people build meditation into their daily routine.
  • Set aside some time. Start with 5-minute meditation sessions once or twice a day and work up to 20 minutes each time.
  • Keep trying. Be kind to yourself as you get started. If you're meditating and your attention wanders, slowly return to the object, sensation or movement you're focusing on.
  • Make meditation part of your life. Many people prefer to start and end their day with a period of meditation. Others prefer to take meditation breaks during the day. Experiment and find out what works best for you
namasteSee full size image

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