Pose: Headstand
Sanskrit name: Salamba Sirsasana
Getting into the pose:
1. Begin on all fours. Coming down to elbows to measure for support and alignment, wrapping hands around opposite elbows. This sets up for the pose.
2. Releasing the hands and interlacing the fingers. Pressing the forearms and the edge of the hands into the floor using the strength of the shoulders. Elbows remain under shoulders coming into headstand prep pose.
3. Walking the feet towards the nose, feet will begin lifting away from the mat. Tuck knees to chest and begin to balance. Slowly bring one leg at a time to the sky.
4. Distribute weight evenly among the forearms, elbows, wrists and head.
Holding the pose: Find the center of balance in the inversion, engage root lock. Allow the body to relax with minimal exertion and maximum extension.
Benefits: Stimulates blood flow to the brain, Relieves swelling in legs and fluid retention in body. Invigorate body and mind. Strengthens the shoulders, neck, ore muscles, hip adductors and gluteals
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