This time of year it can start to feel like we are being bomarded with food - cookies and sweet bread brought in by co-workers, weekend holiday parties with rich foods, delicious home made gifts. Also the stress of the season may trigger over eating for some individuals. Here are some ideas to help you avoid over eating this time of year:
Eat Mindfully -
1. At parties choose only the foods that are special this time of year, avoiding chips, soda or other non-seasonal items
2. Pause after you take a bite to savor and enjoy the flavors
3. Eat slowly - put your fork down between bites and chew slowly
4. Keep healthy snacks on hand. If sliced apples, hummus and carrots and other easy to prep items are easily on hand your more likely to opt for those when your schedule gets crazy
Take Time to De-stress -
1. Don't say yes to every thing
2. Always fit in something relaxing for yourself - take a yoga class or get your nails done
3. Even taking a quick bath or spend 20 minutes reading with a cup of tea may be all you need to re-charge

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