The yoga work shop I attended this weekend focused on how the thoughts in our mind create our reality. Often times we can rid our selves of back pain, move away from living in fear and feeling stagnant in our lives just by re-framing our thoughts. With practice we can change our thoughts to "I feel healthy and strong," instead of "I can't shake this pain in my back." "I feel safe and secure in the world," rather than "I feel scared and hopeless." "I feel grateful for the success and upcoming prospects in life," rather than "I am stuck in my job." As you practice this positive affirmations thinking positively will begin to feel natural to you.
Here are some ideas to get the process started:
-Keep a gratitude journal - write down daily a few things you are grateful for
-Write a list of goals - write them in present tense, visual yourself accomplishing them, feel the emotions associated with accomplishing this goal
-Create a manta that speaks true for yourself: "I am a happy person" "I speak with confidence" "I am peaceful". Say it daily and write it down and have it posted where you will see it frequently
One last thought to leave you with:
"Pain can only feed on pain. Pain cannot feed on joy. It finds it quire indigestible."
-Eckhart Tolle