Welcome friends!

This is a forum to share tips, advice and ideas about nutrition, fitness and well-being. I also invite you to join me in my yoga practice at 24 Hour Fitness. It is an 1 hour vinyasa yoga class, also called "flow" yoga. The poses move fluidly, the breath linking each pose to the next. This practice will create strength, flexibilty, endurance and balance leading to a sense of wellness and mental awareness. I hope to see you there! The class schedule will be updated on the blog as it changes.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thinking of hiring a personal trainer? Consider trying this –

If your dedication to staying active seems to always fizzle out after a few weeks, you may want to consider getting a new workout partner. One who with four legs who will demand you get outside no matter what the weather!

It makes sense that people with dogs might be more active than their pet-less counter parts. Dogs need exercise or they wind up driving you crazy. You still have to take them out even when it’s cold and rainy. That being said, we probably didn’t need a study to prove that dogs help their owners be more physically active. But study it we did – multiple times. Here’s an article from the New York Times that sums it all up:
Dog owners on average walk at least 30 minutes more per week and are 60% more likely to meet the federal guidelines for moderate to vigorous activity at least 5 days a week than those who are sans canine. However those with very small dogs or very old dogs didn’t seem to get any additional exercise.

Owning a dog has certainly increased my physical activity. Rain or shine Charlie and I are up at the crack of dawn to start the day with a 30 minute walk. Then after work, we walk to the park and Charlie burns off her pent up energy chasing after the ball. That being said, owning a dog is very time consuming. I have to manage my time well to continue to fit in yoga, cycling and other activities where unruly dogs are not allowed!
Maybe not her healthiest habit!

The top 5 reasons Charlie keeps me fit:
1. She hates to sleep in
2. She has to same mantra about going to the park that the post man has about delivering your mail – rain, sleet or snow!
3. Her 2 favorite snacks are carrots and frozen mango - which inspires me to pick snacks that are low cal and full of vitamins too!
4. She can run a lot faster than me!
5. Post work she always stretches in Downward Facing Dog and Up Dog. The length she can create is inspiring!

So, if you were considering the pros and cons of dog ownership or if you already own a dog you can add increased exercise to the pros column. You will be guaranteed a loyal companion for hikes, walks, and park visits for years to come.  If you end up with, or have a dog, who loves to play fetch as much as my dog Charlie, try these moves from Self magazine to sculpt a “Best in Show Body” while fido plays fetch: http://www.self.com/fitness/workouts/2010/08/get-fit-moves-with-your-pet-slideshow#slide=1. And next time, instead of cursing your dog for making you go on a walk during a down pour, thank them  for making you stick to a heart healthy habit!
Smile! Your getting healtheir!

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